Don't we all?

Information spreads fast! As some of you are reading this article at the moment, I would be thinking about how many people are reading this and busy sharing it with all the people I can. I'd be checking my contacts to see whether there is anyone left to send. I'd be wishing that everyone goes on to share this with as many people as possible. I must shamefully admit that deep down that I do care about views! (Not just for this post, but every single one)
In an age where it's much easier to get an online stage for us and the things we post (Photos, writings, dishes we made, thoughts, etc.), we are all prone to seeing how well we did in terms of views, comments, and likes. Even the things we start doing with the right intent can sometimes give rise to the wrong desires. I don't write to become known or famous - let me make that clear. I see a small good coming out of it and I don't want to waste a God-given gift. But I can't deny that the number of views, shares, and likes often give me a dopamine dose - enough to make me smile & enough to make me sin - if given too much focus.
Look at me!
We live in a culture where the self is glorified. We love the spotlight. I've heard pastor Francis Chan say that we live in a time when we all have a page all about us - Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and on goes the list. A page all about ME - MY friends, MY family, MY selfie, MY status, MY information, MY activities, etc.! Think about it! And we want our friends and families to see us, like us, talk about us, talk to us, listen to us, and tell others about us. Many of our posts cry out without captions - "Look at ME!". We all very much enjoy the ride on the Dopamine cycle. We flaunt our best sides - while the bad sides remain hidden.
Many of our posts cry out without captions - "Look at ME!".
The eyes that see.
No matter what we post or don't post - we ought to remember that our life is laid out bare in front of our Creator. We can't choose what we post or hide. We can't create a fake profile. He sees us - just as we are - from all we do outside to the very thoughts within our hearts. Nothing remains hidden from His sight. "And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account." (Hebrews 4:13, ESV)
We ought to have a desire to be seen - by the Right person. Not a small part of our life - but all of it. Instead of basing our life on others' views, likes, and comments, We ought to take seriously - God's view, what He has got to say about us, and His approval. Such lives have clear marks that make them distinct from the others.
We can't choose what we post or hide.
Paul tells the Colossian church, "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not unto men.."(Colossians 3:23, ESV). Too many of us today are craving the world's attention and are left disappointed when we don't get it. But every work ought to be done for God, and when done this way, is admired by Him. The lack of acknowledgment from men is never a reason to quit. Too few remember this, and far too many have given up on work that really mattered for the wrong reason.
When God's eyes are on us, there is a sense of peace that fills our hearts. A child isn't in danger while his father's eyes are on him - "..the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him,..."(Psalm 33:18, ESV). There is no place for fear when we know God sees us.
This awareness changes everything in our battle with sin. When you're aware that His eyes are watching, your life becomes a Holy Ground. For Joseph, it was unthinkable to commit adultery - "How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?”(Genesis 39:9, ESV) You are no longer left to do things your way.
When you're aware that His eyes are watching, your life becomes a Holy Ground.
See and Search!
A man in the Bible went beyond the others in His request to God. David asked God to search his heart. He doesn't just ask God for a quick glance, but a thorough search. He doesn't want God to leave out any areas of his life. "Search me, O God..."(Psalm 139:23,24). It wasn't prayed in the confidence of self-righteousness, but a desire for holiness. It's not that God couldn't already see the inside of David's heart. But David cared about what God thought. He desired to be seen and searched, by a Holy God. Imagine how our lives would change if we stopped caring about the world's views and likes and went a step further to be searched by God. Do we dare to pray such a prayer? It's a prayer we can't skip for long if you even care about Holiness. I hope we open our hearts for a search.
We don't get to pick and choose what God gets to see about us
Care more about what God thinks
Do everything as done for God
We need to allow God to search us
Do I care more about people's opinions than God's?
Are there sins I am hiding?
Whom am I trying to please?
Am I going to ask God to search my heart? What all will He find there?