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Give less, Get More.

Writer: Jeeson C.T.Jeeson C.T.

Looking for a deal?

I recently visited a mall, and happened to buy a Jenga (those blocks that you try to stack up higher - it's fun!). I have a not so useful and a bad habit of checking prices of things I buy - after I buy it (I still check the price of the Air Conditioner we bought 4 months back). When I see that the price has gone up after my purchase, I am happy(weird). But, in this case I found that the same Jenga was available on Amazon for less than half the price. To console myself, I tried to tell myself that it was probably a fake one, a smaller one, or of cheaper quality. But nope - it was the exact same thing I had bought. I was a bit disappointed obviously. Though shopping advice is not the intention of this article, I recommend checking the price of stuff you buy before purchase - not after!

But yes, we all love good deals - and hate bad ones. We are living in a culture where we are drawn by great deals, hunt for sales, use discount coupons and apply promo codes. Our shopping styles have changed - pay less, get more(Nothing wrong with that). And known or unknown to us, things between us and God have changed - Give less, get more.(terribly wrong!)

Give less - Get more?

Many a times, we approach God for the best deal. In fact, we approach Him only when we are looking for a deal. We want a good deal for our sickness, finances, material needs, family needs etc. We want to get more, while giving less - less of our time, money, thoughts, abilities and ourselves. We are always looking to use God for our needs, by giving Him as less as possible.

More benefits from God, less commitments from us.

We don't want God to interfere in our personal choices, decisions, money matters, future plans, careers etc. We have come to make a cheap agreement - "This is what I need, here is what you'll get in return, God." We make sure we are not asked too much or to give too much. More benefits from God, less commitment from us. If such was the relationship between two human beings, we'd call it toxic. But we think it's normal to use God only to get whatever we want. But, giving something back or doing something for Him is treated as abnormal. That's the reason why we have a lot of questions asked when we decide to give something of value to God, when someone decides to leave their job for ministry, when they plan to relocate to serve God and absolutely no questions asked when it is about getting something from God.

Let's not insult the Creator of the universe by questioning His worth.

Though we speak of a Big and Powerful God, Who can do miracles and wonders - when it comes to sacrificially giving to Him, the questions pops in our minds - "Is God really worth it? Am I giving too much for Him? Am I doing too much for Him? Should I be doing this for God? Does He deserve so much?". The Big God suddenly becomes a small part of our lives. I must say, we treat the guy at the grocery store better than how we treat God with all these cheap questions. Let's not insult the Creator of the universe by questioning His worth.

Give more - Give more.

It's high time we realize, that the call for a Christian is not to use God - but to love Him - with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. When we love someone so dearly, we are always looking for ways to give - not get.

This lack of love looks to be the biggest hindrance to serve and worship God whole heartedly. The psalmist asks this beautiful worship question - "What shall I render to the Lord, For all His benefits toward me?" (Psalm 116:12, NKJV). If we want to really worship God, the questions we ought to ask are -

  • Lord, what can I give to you today?

  • How can I serve you better?

  • How can I love you more?

  • How can I worship you for real?

Christian, forget about getting the best deal, and look for ways of worship. Look for ways to give more!

The call for a Christian is not to use God - but to love Him.

The Deal God made

God was not looking for the best deal when He chose us. He gave away heaven's best, His only Son - to save a bunch of wretched sinners like us. Buying a group of rebels and sinners at the cost of His only Son doesn't make so much sense. The price He paid was no match for our worth. Yet, that very sacrificial act, was what made us worthy. The rebels are introduced to love by this act.

When we look to Calvary and see the blood that was shed for sinners like you and me, we understand love and what it means to truly give out of love. If we just took time to get a grasp of this Truth, we'll go to the foot of the same cross where Christ died in our place, and say in true worship, "God, here I am. Take me and all that I have".

Such surrender is what Christ calls each one of us to, everyday. God, help us to give!



  • Look for God. Not for deals.

  • Called to love God, not use Him.

  • Worship requires complete surrender.

  • If we love, we'll look for ways to give.


  1. Am I only looking for deals from God?

  2. Are there things / people I love more than I love God?

  3. Am I willing to give myself to God?

  4. How can I truly worship God?


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