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One thing you can't do in Heaven!

Writer: Jeeson C.T.Jeeson C.T.

Updated: Jul 12, 2022

"If they're breathing, they need Jesus" - Mark Cahill

What are some things that we can't do in heaven? Have you thought about it? Well, I am not sure whether we are constantly thinking about heaven while we are here on earth to start with - which is rather unfortunate.

But, author and speaker Mark Cahill has written a whole book on it! It's rightly titled - "One thing you can't do in Heaven."

I'd like to sincerely warn you , if you're someone who's picking up this book as a lukewarm Christian(if you don't think so yet, you may feel like one, after reading this book) - you might just turn into a hot coal Christian looking to do something real with your life - for God. It's one of the best books on evangelism I've read so far. It gave me a motivation, much needed push and also some important tools & tips to use while engaging in conversations with people.

Mark does a great job in making the case for sharing the gospel with others. With some analogies that'll make a deep impression in our minds, the case for sharing the truth gets stronger as we pass every chapter.

Some favorite chapters

One of the eye opening chapters for me was "Winning, Winning, Winning." What would you call as a winning situation while sharing the gospel? Well, whatever your answer is, I guess you'd be wrong - cause Mark Cahill says that it's always a winning situation. You'll get to know why in the book. That chapter was one of my many favorites.

"A pocket full of tickets" was another favorite one. He asks a very important question which gave a little shudder - "Do you realize how many Christians are going to die and stand in front of God with a pocket full of tickets to Heaven?" You could have given them away to anyone you wanted to, but you died with your pocket filled with tickets to Heaven."

"If they're breathing, they need Jesus." was another favorite chapter for me. From his variety of experiences(which he uses throughout the book), he tells us statements that could be used to help the other person think and continue thinking more about eternity. I found those very helpful!

Added Study Guide

As an add-on, if you visit Mark Cahill's website, you'll be able to freely access a great study material on the book, which would be a pretty good one for a small group. I highly recommend you to get a copy of this book.

To end with, here's how the introduction of the book goes,

"Three-hundred-million years from now, what will be the thing that will matter? Will it matter how much money you made? Will it matter who won the NCAA football and basketball titles this year? Will it matter who you took to the homecoming dance?

Three-hundred-million years from now, the only thing that will matter is who is in heaven and who is in hell. And if that is the only thing that will matter then, that should be one of our greatest concerns now. Jesus tells in Matthew 18:11," The Son of Man has come to save that which was lost." If it is of the utmost importance for Jesus to reach the lost, shouldn't it be a major priority for you? The real question then is: What are you doing of significance today that will matter three-hundred-million-plus years from now?"

I hope we get into the business of doing something significant with our lives! This book really helped me thinking towards it.

Where to get the book?

You can also get the book from ELS(Evangelical Literature Service) for a cheaper rate.

The book(paper back and kindle) is available on Amazon. The book is available on Mark Cahill's website. (Not sure whether it's available for us in India through the website)

You can also write to me in case you need help getting the book. I'll try my level best to help out.

Please note that the reviews written are for the sake of sharing good books and information and not with any monitory intention or benefit.


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