Zoom-Bombing was a popular, scary & frequent event during the zoom calls when we were getting used to seeing friends & families virtually! But we were getting bombed much before the Zoom era started.

Imagine you're on a video call with your friends, and all of a sudden a stranger just barges into the call and you don't even know who it is! Yep - we did hear a lot about the zoom-bombing issue recently. But this isn't just a virtual media problem. Let's take a minute to think about another kind of bombing. One that has been around for a very long period.
You decide to spend sometime in prayer and you close your eyes, and there - the thoughts of those things you missed out on doing, things you did on that day, the people you had to call, the conversations that already happened, the tasks you left incomplete etc will just flood your mind! Yep - all of it at that particular moment.
It comes to bomb our private prayer times and it's been going on for a while. Our prayer times are getting bombed by the worldly thoughts! We've come to a point where a real, peaceful and alone time with God is just a fantasy and something that cannot be practiced in the busy 21st Century. Let's stop giving into this lie of the devil and take steps to really give God the time & attention He really deserves.
Even in the midst of a busy day, may the beauty of our Savior continue to hold us still in amazement.
Let's ask God to have our prayer times 'bombed'( the word fits perfectly ) with the thoughts of His majesty and glory. It's when our hearts are filled with His beauty and we learn to enjoy it(everyday) thus making His will our priority, that our hearts will be guarded against the worries and pleasures of the world. That time to pray, is for you and God and no other thoughts. Even in the midst of a busy day, may the beauty of our Savior continue to hold us still in amazement.
In the words of David Brainerd, the missionary who really couldn't do without his time with God, that experience would be something like this - “O! one hour with God infinitely exceeds all the pleasures and delights of this lower world.”.