Quote & Questions

The future is as bright as the promises of God. - William Carey
7487 - That's the number of promises that a Canadian school teacher named Everett R. Storms could count in the Bible made by God to mankind. The number may or may not be accurate, but we can be sure that there are over 7000 promises in the Bible, which is such an exciting thing to know, especially in light of today's quote. Think about how bright our future would be with that many promises!
'I promise' is such a reassuring thing to hear from certain people. Sometimes, we even force people to promise us if we trust them less. But it's with much ease that we forget the promises our Creator has made to us. While God meant those promises to be a very important part of our life here on earth, we seldom benefit from them. Often our response to difficult days and times is just like the others who don't have these promises. If we only took more time to study and memorize those promises He has made for us, how differently would we handle our every day? In times of worry, He promises us His peace(Phil 4:7), during lonely days He promises us His presence(Psalm 23:4), when we are weak, He promises grace and strength(2 Corinth 12:9), to teach us, He promised us a Helper(John 14:16), for our prayers He promised an answer(John 14:13-14) and a lot more.
I am sure when William Carey toiled in India for long years, he would have had to really trust God and look to the future in light of His promises. Otherwise, I doubt whether he would have gone much far, when he lost his son or when his wife became mentally ill, when he couldn't see much success in his work for years or when the printing press burned down, or during other numerous difficulties.
Our present and our future are not the biggest problems, but only the way we look at them. No matter where we are in our life today, remember that as a Child of God, we have our Father's promises and that our future is bright - not just here on earth, but in an exceedingly greater manner in heaven. He promised us greater glory!(Romans 8:18) Look forward to it!
Is it easier for me to trust the words of people around me or God's words?
Do I have a habit of studying and memorizing the promises of God?
Are God's promises an important part of my life?
Think of a recent situation where you could have applied the promise of God in dealing with it. How could you have dealt with it differently?