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Too much?

Writer: Jeeson C.T.Jeeson C.T.

Quote & Questions


“If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.” - C.T Studd

On this Good Friday, the world will remember the Cross. We will thank God for the Cross, and praise the act of mercy. I am sure you'll come across a sermon or an article about the Cross(like this one) and the sufferings of Jesus. And then as this day comes to an end, so will our talks and thoughts about the Cross.

But I think the Cross ought to be thought about on a daily basis and talked about more often. Paul said, "But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world."(Galatians 6:14). That Cross is the only thing we can boast about! The more you ponder on the Cross, the more you'll comprehend the value and greatness of the sacrifice - God saved us, and it cost Him His only Son's life. The more you understand that truth, the more grateful you'll be. You will eagerly look for ways to worship and serve Him. And, I am not saying that anything we do will ever be enough or be a match for what was done on the Cross. But, that doesn't mean I shouldn't do anything in return! Any opportunity we get to thank God will be taken without a second thought. But, when it comes to doing something for God, all we have is second thoughts which usually end with us walking away from the opportunity. We start to think that our life is too precious to throw away in the service of God. We worry whether we are giving God too much. We are reluctant to make an 'unnecessary sacrifice'. We don't want to do too much or anything at all that costs us. Everything is measured with a stingy scale when it comes to giving to Him. But, if God Himself could die for me, how can anything I, a mere human being do for Him be too great?

Please, Look to Cross, and spend some time thinking about the greatness of the sacrifice. When you comprehend it well, you'll be led to say like C.T Studd with your life, “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him."


  • How often do I think and talk about the Cross?

  • Have I really understood what happened on the Cross? Does my life show it?

  • Do I want to do anything at all for God?

  • What are the reasons why I usually walk away from opportunities to serve Him?


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