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What praise for a pen?

Writer: Jeeson C.T.Jeeson C.T.

Quote & Questions


"I was but a pen in God's hand and what praise is due to a pen?" - John Bunyan

100,000 copies sold in the first fifteen years of it's publishing, translated into over 200 languages, and written over 350 years back, John Bunyan's "The Pilgrim's Progress", is still not out of print! During his 12 years of imprisonment, the man made good use of his time to write this Christian classic, which is still believed to be the second most popular book in existence, only after the Bible.(That's another way of telling you must read it!) If you were a writer, could you ask for more success? Yet, John Bunyan considered himself to be nothing more than a pen in God's hands.

A pen in God's hand is not a real favorite idea for many of us. Unknowingly and very often, we tend to reject being held by God and go after 'freedom'(at least that's what we call it). Our self-love and desires often make us wriggle out of His hands to be doing whatever we want to do. We fear much, about the way God would use us. "Is He going to use me well?" "Am I going to be in the spotlight? "Will my life look very successful?" "Will God go with my conditions and grant my desires?" Basically, we are asking, "Is He going to use me exactly the way I want Him to use me?" We can't be more foolish than when we are doubtful of the way He'll use us. Here are some reasons why.

  • He is God, and He knows best.(Rom 11:33)

  • He created you, so you can't come up with a better plan for your life than the one He already has.(Jer 29:11)

  • He is the Author of life.(Acts 3:15) Our life is a gift from Him. So, I rightly belong to Him.

  • He doesn't really do things that we could call a waste of time!

We ought to learn to yield to whatever way He wishes to use us. God will not force us to do so - but simply invites us to know Him. On knowing Him, we would want to yield. You will know that's the right and the wise thing to do. Then In His grace, He will use us to do beautiful and meaningful things. In being a pen in God's hands, the joy will be ours, and the praise His.


  • How comfortable am I with the idea of God using me in any way He likes?

  • Do I keep conditions when it comes to obeying God?

  • Do I get joy in seeing God get praise through my life?

  • What are some areas in my life where I need to yield?


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